Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TEEM16

Cartel TEEM16

Del 2 al 4 de noviembre de 2016 se celebra el congreso TEMM’16. Este congreso combina diferentes aspectos en tecnologías aplicadas a la sociedad del conocimiento. En dicho congreso convergen diversos temas organizados en tracks.CINAIC está colaborando a través de la organización del track 12 “Educational Innovation”. Aún hay tiempo de presentar trabajos. Se pueden presentar hasta el 15 de Julio de 2016.


Educational Innovation is a catalyst for change in the educational model. Emerging technologies, new processes, new habits of society should be incorporated into the educational system. But this incorporation must be done under the guidelines of the educational innovation

Identifying the latest trends, implementing innovative educational best practices, learning from the innovative teachers and sharing knowledge and experiences, are key factors to innovate in an effective and efficient way.

In this fourth edition of the track “Educational Innovation” in TEEM conference, we want to create a space for the growth of knowledge in educational innovation, so we invite you to send your work to share knowledge and exchange experiences, with preferences in the next lines but not exclusively.
This track wants to have results of the technologies/methodologies application that meet real needs in the following areas:

  • Active and cooperative methodologies with students
  • Adaptive learning with technologies
  • Knowledge management systems in education
  • New methodologies and technologies for distance learning
  • Tendencies: Flip teaching, Innovative MOOCs, Learning communities, Portfolios, etc.
  • Training in generic competence.

Muy importante
Todos los trabajos aceptados serán publicados en ACM Digital Library en un volumen con ISBN y además está indexado en SCOPUS. Por tanto os animo a que presentéis vuestras experiencias de innovación educativa.